LOVING the edit, started part 1, and it's really good so far, I like how it's all introduced and then goes into it. Great job!
Where are people putting their copies on Plex or Kodi? I decided to make it a TV show and treat it like a mini-series. That means I have to edit the filenames to be S01E01 format, and then manually enter the titles for the parts like it's listed on the spreadsheet in About (i.e.Marvel Origins, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, etc.). the only big downside for that is that I'm forced to come up with my own titles from Eternals onwards (I called that one Eternity, cause I'm not original).
Curious about what others are doing.
What are you naming the parts after Legacy Part 2?
CBD oil is such a popular topic these days. I’m curious to hear how others are incorporating it into their routines.